drop the detox diet

Drop the Detox Diets

Many of us, especially after a period of overindulging such as the festive holidays, feel the need to recharge our batteries and hit the reset button on our bodies. While ...
ditch the diet

It’s Time to Ditch the Diet

How many times have you eaten badly and said, ‘Okay, my diet starts Monday’? I’m sure, too many times. Did you actually manage to lose weight? If you did lose ...
bb common diet myth

10 Common Diet Myths That May Surprise You

How many times have you heard about a new health or diet trend being advertised and felt compelled to try it? These diet trends use all the right medical jargon ...
bb celery juice healthy

Is Celery Juice as Healthy as Claims suggest?

Celery juice has been in the background as a diet trend for weight loss for many years. But as from late last year, 2019, the hashtag #celeryjuice had a sudden ...